Welcome to the Smart Home Generation!
My wife and I just updated to a digital thermostat and a robotic vacuum cleaner. We're not quite the Jetsons (even though our vacuum is nick-named, Rosie) but we are getting closer to some of those futuristic ideas.
Millennials and new homeowners are becoming more and more interested in smart home technology. Since our buyers and sellers are interested, we, too, thought we should up our game in this smart tech home lingo.
What do we mean by “smart homes”? Technology is now available that automates interior climate remotely, regulates custom lighting scenarios, locks and unlocks your doors, and orders groceries and household items on command! You name the command station (Alexa, Siri, Google, Apple, Amazon, Echo - these gadgets seem to have all the answers!
Here are some items we found interesting in our smart home search:
Climate: Nest Thermostat
Gone are the days where you set those complicated Honeywell thermostats with heating/cooling times for each day of the week in hopes of saving on your energy bill. The Nest, since 2011, was the first “learning” thermostat that connects to your smartphone to optimize energy usage using a few cool features.
Lighting: Philips Hue Smart Light Bulbs
Not only are LED lights cheaper (long-term) to operate, these wi-fi-controlled bulbs can be customized with your smartphone to change colors, dimness, and have preset “moods” depending on what you’re in for. We even had one client that set their bulbs to flash red when receiving a text message!
Sound: Sonos
Sonos is by far one of the most-advanced yet the most-easily operable system of speakers designed for every possible scenario: movies, parties, easy listening in one room, etc. Controlled by a central app, users are able to select which rooms and at what volume for each that they would like to broadcast their Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, etc.
Lock/Unlock: Kwikset Kevo Touch-to-Open Bluetooth Smart Lock
AND NOW TO OUR FAVORITE: This is definitely one of our favorites! Despite a normal deadbolt appearance, this next generation locking system allows “push-to-unlock” technology used when detecting your phone nearby. You’re also able to remotely check to see which member of your home has entered/left most recently with the Android and iOS apps. What’s even cooler, is the ability to email your friends/extended family temporary “e-keys” when you’re not able to be home to meet them! WOW! We haven't seen too many homes in the Franklin County area move forward with this yet, but it will happen very soon. Some of my STL listings are already on trend and really make a stylish statement for your front entrance.
Kwikset brand has always been my "go-to" for locks. Call me old-fashioned before, but this future lock is ready to impress! I see my wife ordering a Kwikset Kevo in the near future!